News & Events
  • Local history talks 12/11/2022

    Two upcoming talks on local topics are being given by Linda Bankier.  On Wednesday 16th November 2022, she will speak about “Berwick-upon-Tweed 1952-2022: a pictorial history”, referring to the recently published photographic book.  This will take place in the Parish Centre, Berwick, starting at 7.30pm, and it forms part of the Berwick History Society programme.

    On Saturday morning 19th November, Linda will talk about “Irregular Border Marriages”, starting at 10.00am at Bell View, Belford.  This is part of the North Northumberland Genealogy Group programme.

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  • Ord gold cross 27/10/2022

    The FBDMA autumn lecture this year is a joint presentation with the Union Chain Bridge project. On Friday 11th November 2022, at 7.00pm in Berwick Town Hall, Benjamin Westwood, Finds Liaison Officer for the Portable Antiquities Scheme, will describe “How the Ord cross returned to Berwick”.  The Ord cross is a re-discovered rare Anglo-Saxon gold cross pendant. Inscribed with its owner’s name, it was lost on the banks of the River Tweed for about 1,000 years.

    The FBDMA was able to make a financial contribution as seed funding towards the acquisition of the cross by Museums Northumberland, and it will be displayed...

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  • Guild of Freemen in the 18th century 17/10/2022

    Dr Ian Harris gives a talk entitled “What did the Guild know? Politics and information in later C18th Berwick” on Thursday 27 November 2022 at 7.00pm.  It is given online via Zoom, organised by Northumberland Archives.  Register in advance for a free place on the Northumberland Archives page at Eventbrite.

    “Berwick-upon-Tweed is England’s most northerly town. How did the Guild – its ruling body until 1835 –...

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  • Mapping Tyneside 17/10/2022

    The Autumn Lecture of the Berwick Naturalists’ Club will be “Mapping Tyneside” given by Dr Michael Barke on Thursday 17 November 2022, at 2.00pm in the Parish Centre, Berwick.

    Dr Barke is Reader in Human Geography at Northumbria University and the joint author of “Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Mapping the City”.

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  • Heritage survey in Berwick, Spittal, and Tweedmouth 17/10/2022

    A survey of all the buildings within the Conservation Areas of Berwick, Spittal, and Tweedmouth is being organised, under the auspices of Northumberland County Council, to commence at the end of October 2022, and volunteers are being sought to help with the work.  An outline of the scheme and the recruitment plans is given below.


    Are you interested in the built heritage of the area, do you live, work or spend time in Berwick-upon-Tweed, Spittal or Tweedmouth? Then come and volunteer on our community heritage survey.

    Together we...

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