News & Events
  • Leásungspell 04/07/2017

    On Saturday 29 July 2017 at Bamburgh Castle there will be a recital of Leasungspell: A Fool’s Tale, an epic poem by Bob Beagrie, set to live music and sound effects. The story is steeped in the ancient heritage of the North East and it tells the tale of a monk’s journey across the wilds of Northumbria in 657AD.

    Performance 7pm;  gates open 6pm;  bring a picnic.

    Tickets £5.  Bookings and information  01668 214208.

    More information at website:

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  • Armed Forces Day 21/06/2017

    Saturday 24 June 2017 is Armed Forces Day in Berwick. Among the events taking place will be some exhibitions in the Guildhall about Berwick in 1917, the Crookham District during the First World War, and the Rothbury Trenches. There will also be some activities for children run by Jane Miller from Berwick Museum.  The Guildhall will be open from 10.00am until 2.00pm, all welcome.

    At 11.00am there will also be a Drum Head Service in St Andrews Wallace Green Church, and at 12 noon there will be a parade in Marygate.

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  • Peregrini Heritage Festival 31/05/2017

    Over the weekend of 17th/18th June 2017, the second Peregrini Heritage Festival will be taking place on Holy Island. There will be exhibitions on project work, guided walks and talks, and arts activities. The heritage skills programme will also include pottery-making and firing, wool-preparation, dyeing and spinning, green wood whittling, wood-turning using a pole-lathe, bread-making, metal smithing & jewellery making.

    Saturday 17th June:  12.00 – 6.00pm

    Sunday 18th June:   12.00  – 6.00pm

    At the Village Hall and other parts of the island.


    Guided walks and performances on...

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  • Flodden documentation project 31/05/2017

    On Monday 12th June 2017 a talk on the Flodden documentation project will be given by Linda Bankier, in Norham Village Hall.  Starts at 7.30pm.

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  • Record Office users 19/05/2017

    From 1st June 2017, all users of the Record Office will need to register for a CARN card (County Archive Research Network – a national scheme run by the Archives and Records Association). This means that on your next visit to the Record Office you should bring with you some proof of identity showing your name, permanent address, and signature.  Acceptable forms of identification are as follows:

    Driving licence (name, address and signature)