Record Office
  • Photo Centre talk 28/11/2018

    Cameron Robertson will give a talk about the Photo Centre Collection, now held by the Record Office, for the Berwick upon Tweed History Society.  It will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 19th December 2018 in the Parish Centre (Parade, Berwick).  Admission charge for non-members of the Society (£2).

    When David Smith began his photo news agency in Berwick in 1951, demand for his work came thick and fast at a local and national level. An experienced journalist with a keen eye for a story, he captured a wide range of subjects, from a visiting celebrity to a runaway circus elephant, not to mention a host of wedding and...

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  • Berwick at war 06/11/2018

    To mark the centenary of the end of the First World War, Berwick Record Office in conjunction with Berwick Town Council is running an event in the Guildhall, Berwick on the weekend of Saturday 10th/ Sunday 11th November. There will be displays, family activities and talks about Berwick and the surrounding area. The displays will include material on the Belgian refugees; Berwick’s contribution to the War on the Home and War Front; local poetry; information on the stories behind the names on St Andrews Wallace Green War Memorial; school work, and much more. On the Sunday, the town’s Book of Remembrance...

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  • Who’s who in Etal? 08/10/2018

    On Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st October 2018 the Record Office will be participating in an exhibition of photographs in Etal Village Hall.  There will be  pictures of people and places relating to Etal in the last 100 years, many of them never catalogued or identified.  Visitors are invited to drop in and see what they can recognise, so that as many individuals and buildings as possible can be identified – and well as the dates when photographs might have been taken.

    The exhibition will be open on both days from 11:00am until 3:00pm – and there is said to be a lot to look...

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  • Armed Forces Day 27/06/2018

    As part of Armed Forces Day on Saturday 30 June 2018, there will be exhibitions in the Guildhall about Berwick in 1918, Crookham during World War I, and the Rothbury trenches. These have been prepared by Berwick Record Office and the Crookham and Berwick Branch of the Royal  British Legion.  There will also be family activities organised by Berwick Museum and Art Gallery.

    Open 10am – 2pm.  Refreshments available.  Free admission, all welcome.

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  • Cataloguing grant success 20/06/2018

    Berwick Record Office is one of nine organisations which have been awarded grants for cataloguing their collections as part of the 2018 Archives Revealed programme of The National Archives.  The grant will fund “Twixt Thistle and Rose : Unlocking Berwick Borough’s Archives”, an ambitious project to recatalogue BRO’s core collection and to amalgamate later uncatalogued deposits of pre 1974 records including Planning and Quarter Sessions records, to form a composite online catalogue and highlight the hidden gems it contains.

    The press release from The National Archives can be seen

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