Record Office
  • Record Office opening 02/12/2020

    Berwick Record Office will be open again for personal visits from Wednesday 6th December until Wednesday 23rd December 2020.  After Christmas and New Year it will be open again from Wednesday 6th January 2021. [UPDATE Jan 4: The introduction of Tier 4 regulations means that the Record Office will not now be able to open to visitors until further notice.]

    Wednesdays and Thursdays only.  Pre-booking essential.  (Bookings through Eventbrite: search for the Berwick Record Office page there.)

    Tel: 01289 301865 


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  • Talking archives 19/11/2020

    Northumberland Archives will be running a series of free online talks via Zoom over the next couple of months.  The first one takes place on Thursday, 26th November at 7.00pm : 

    An Introduction to Northumberland Archives – by Michael Geary

    Michael is an archivist at Woodhorn and his talk will be a great introduction for people who are thinking of visiting an archive when they reopen or for regular visitors who want to know more.

    The talks are arranged thanks to the generosity of the National Lottery Heritage Fund. 
    To book a place, follow this link to Eventbrite...

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  • Further closure 04/11/2020

    Because of national restrictions which are introduced on 5 November 2020 to combat the COVID-19 outbreak, Berwick Record Office is closed to the public until further notice.

    You can keep in touch with developments via Twitter: 


    or web page at 

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  • Re-opening of Record Office 04/09/2020

    Following its closure because of the COVID-19 outbreak, Berwick Record Office re-opens for personal visits on Thursday 17 September 2020.  For the foreseeable future it will have to operate on a different basis from usual.

    Use of the Record Office will be by appointment only, and pre-booking is essential.  The opening hours are on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY.

    10am-12:30pm and 2pm-4:30pm 

    The Reading Room will be closed in between sessions for sanitising.