  • Photo Centre 15/06/2023

    Last chance!  An exhibition of photographs on “The Photo Centre collection – 10 years on” is still on display in the foyer at County Hall in Morpeth.  Admission free. It finishes on 30 June 2023.

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  • Eglingham churchyard 31/05/2023

    Many years ago the Friends did a Churchyard Survey at Eglingham which was typed up and made accessible in Berwick Record Office. There have been a lot of changes in over 20 years – stones fall down and new ones are erected –  and so an application was made to the local Windfarm fund for the parish to run a project centred on the Churchyard and the memorials.  The project includes Family History and photography and is open to anyone with an interest in Eglingham Churchyard or people who are buried there.

    If you would like to find out more, please come along to the launch meeting on Tuesday 6 June at 7pm in Eglingham...

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  • Manorial documents 30/05/2023

    A practical workshop on Manorial Documents is being held on Tuesday 13 June 2023, 10.00 – 12.30 in Berwick Record Office.  No previous experience is necessary.  Places are limited and can be booked by email to: .

    This is the first workshop to be held as part of the lottery-funded project Life in a Northumbrian Manor.  It will provide an introduction to manorial records, and how to read them. Contact the Record Office with any further questions.

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  • Coronation exhibition 10/04/2023

    On Sunday 7th May 2023, to mark the coronation of the King, an exhibition of photographs, “Berwick-upon-Tweed, Between the Coronations, 1953-2023” will be held in the Town Hall, from 11.00am – 5.00pm.  Admission free, refreshments available.


      • Photographic exhibition & timeline, 11.00am – 5.00pm: what’s happened in Berwick during that time and how has it changed
      • Children’s activities – Make your own crown!
      • Films in the Council Chamber
      • Talk at 12.00 noon and 3.00pm:...

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  • Ord gold cross 21/03/2023

    The Border Archaeological Society is hosting a lecture on “A holy cross of the early Northumbrian Church: signs & mysteries” on Monday 3 April 2023 at 7.30pm in Berwick Guild Hall.  Professor John Hines of Cardiff University will talk about the significance of the 8th-9th gold cross recently discovered at East Ord; the cross is due to be displayed shortly in Berwick Museum & Art Gallery.

    Admission is free to BAS members; there is a charge of £2.00 for guests.

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