  • The Mary Rose 18/09/2018

    TillVAS holds its James IV Memorial Lecture on Sunday 7 October 2018 at 2.30pm.  Dr Alex Hildred, Curator of ‘The Mary Rose’ Trust, will speak on “Henry VIII’s Mary Rose – From Seabed to Showcase”.

    ‘The Mary Rose’ was commissioned by Henry VIII, who recognised England’s need for a standing navy.  The ship was part of the fleet which transported troops to Newcastle prior to the Battle of Flodden, and remained in service until she unexpectedly sunk during the Battle of the Solent in 1545.  Despite several attempts at salvage, she lay on the seabed until archaeological investigation began...

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  • Guildhall events 09/09/2018

    As part of Heritage Open Days 2018, there will be a programme of events taking place in Berwick Town Hall – all free of charge.  On Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th September, a series of filmshows and talks will be held in the Council Chamber:

    HODS Guildhall events 2018

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  • Heritage Open Days 06/09/2018

    Berwick’s Heritage Open Days for 2018 will be held on 14th-16th September, when over 30 events will be taking place in the town. These will include a selection of open buildings, some historical walks and talks, and a photographic exhibition and other activities in the Guildhall – all free of charge.  They are part of a national event taking place all over the country to celebrate local history and culture.

    Among this year’s additions to the list of open buildings are the Free Trade Inn in Castlegate, a Hidden Garden in Ravensdowne, and the New Tower on the Quay Walls. Full details of the programme can be found...

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  • Belford events 19/08/2018

    In connection with this year’s Heritage Open Days, Belford Museum is presenting an exhibition on the weekends of 8/9 September and 15/16 September 2018; the exhibition will show the history of Belford High Street. There will also be three special talks across the week, with subjects including the manufacture of Berwick Cockles and Alnwick Castle in WW1.  For details see the poster.


    2018 HOD poster Belford Museum

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  • Armed Forces Day 27/06/2018

    As part of Armed Forces Day on Saturday 30 June 2018, there will be exhibitions in the Guildhall about Berwick in 1918, Crookham during World War I, and the Rothbury trenches. These have been prepared by Berwick Record Office and the Crookham and Berwick Branch of the Royal  British Legion.  There will also be family activities organised by Berwick Museum and Art Gallery.

    Open 10am – 2pm.  Refreshments available.  Free admission, all welcome.

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