Dr Catherine Kent gives two talks about early Berwick during April 2019. On Monday 8th April she speaks to Norham & Ladykirk Local History Society on “Early Berwick”, at 7.30pm in Norham Village Hall. On Wednesday 17th April she speaks on “An English Broch La Roundele, and the beginnings of Berwick” to Berwick HIstory Society, at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Berwick (following the AGM at 6.45pm).
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On Wednesday 27th March 2019, Linda Bankier will give a talk on “The Ford Estate at the time of the Waterfords” to the North Sunderland & Seahouses Local History Society. The venue is St. Paul’s Church Hall in North Sunderland, and the talk will start at 7.00pm.
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Dickson, Archer & Thorp was a solicitor’s practice set up in the late 18th Century in Alnwick. The practice had a wide client base from families with modest means to county families and the Dukes of Northumberland and the firm also dealt with criminal trials and provided advice to bodies such as the Overseers of the Poor. After the last partner, Reginald Thorp, died in 2003, over 400 archive boxes of documents were auctioned and Northumberland Archives was able to purchase the collection with grant funding. Sue Wood, the head of collections at Northumberland Archives (Woodhorn) will be giving a talk on their Dickson, Archer...
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“The History, Culture and Politics of Berwick upon Tweed” is the title of Berwick and District Trades Union Council’s annual Day School for 2018, on Saturday 17 November. The key-note lecture will by given by John Home Robertson, and the programme includes lectures by Linda Bankier, Jim Herbert, and Mike Fraser. For full details and booking arrangements, see the website at: http://www.spanglefish.com/berwicktradesunioncouncil/index.asp?pageid=688167
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An exhibition entitled “Remembering World War One” will be held at St Andrew’s Wallace Green Church on Saturday 3 November 2018, from 10am to 2pm. It will feature recent research which has been done into the names on war memorials, telling the stories of some of those from the local area who served and and died and the families they left behind.
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