Local History
  • Lowick Heritage Weekend 02/05/2024

    On Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th May 2024 Lowick Heritage Group will be holding a weekend of talks and exhibitions in Lowick Village Hall, between 10.00am and 4.00pm. There is a £2 admission charge, and refreshments will be available.

    Among the talks, Linda Bankier will be speaking about  “The Old Bridge, Berwick” on Sunday at 2.30pm.

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  • Berwick’s Old Bridge 15/03/2024

    On Wednesday 20 March 2024, Berwick History Society will host a talk on “The History of Berwick’s Old Bridge over the past 400 years”.  It will be given by Linda Bankier in the Parish Centre, Berwick, starting at 7.30pm.  Members free; visitors £3.

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  • Mayor Betty Adams 16/02/2024

    On Friday 8th March 2024, to mark International Women’s Day, a talk about Mrs B.F.C. Adams, the first woman to serve as Mayor of Berwick, will be given in Berwick Record Office, at 10.30am.

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  • Snapshots of the 1970s 29/11/2023

    Many changes which were seen in Berwick during the past half-century are brought to life in a new book of photographs which has just been published.  “Snapshots of the 1970s” draws upon the contents of the vast Photo Centre collection, now held in Berwick Record Office, and it follows on from two earlier publications about the 1950s and 1960s, all of which have been compiled by volunteers from the Friends of Berwick & District Museum and Archives .

    The 1970s were a decade in which the town underwent many physical alterations.  In the High Street the prominent Waterloo Hotel was demolished to make way for the new...

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  • Autumn Lecture 27/10/2023

    This year’s FBDMA Autumn Lecture will consist of a screening of a short film and a talk by Jim Gibson on “Kelt Fishcakes, Mankins, and Sods: Salmon Fishing on the River Tweed”  It will take place on Friday 3 November 2023 at 7.00pm in the Parish Centre, (Parade, Berwick).  The film has been produced by Martha Andrews and Jim Gibson, with the support of the Tweed Foundation, and this will be its first screening.

    Admission free, all welcome.  Light refreshments will be available.

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