On Friday 28 March 2025, 10.00am-12.00 noon, a lecture on “Bridging the Tweed”…
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The FBDMA Spring Lecture will take place on Friday 21 March 2025, at 7.00pm in…
Read more »THE FIFTIES IN FOCUS (Berwick-upon-Tweed Record Office for FBDMA, 2016; ISBN 978 0 9526738 3 5 pbk.) is a book of photographs of Berwick and the district during the 1950s. It features 58 pictures from the Photo Centre Collection, which was purchased by the Record Office with assistance from The Friends after the Photo Centre in Bridge Street closed in 2012. The photographs in the book include some now vanished buildings and businesses, public occasions and ceremonies, trades and employment, sports and pastimes, and some unusual events and curiosities.
This title is now out of print.
We welcome comments, memories, and any additional information which anyone can provide about the content of the photographs in the book.
Please email us: infoATberwickfriends.org.uk
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